Posted on 4/26/2021
Drivers occasionally mention that they smell maple syrup when in or around their vehicle. If that is you and you have not been to a breakfast joint in the last day or so, treat the smell seriously. It could mean a problem with the coolant circulation system in your vehicle. Why That Matters Your vehicle's coolant circulation system helps regulate the temperature of your engine. It also plays a role with heating and defrosting your vehicle. If there is a problem and your coolant circulation system is not performing properly, you could end up with major engine damage. What the Problem Could Be The chances are good your issue is a pinhole leak in one of the hoses that make up your coolant circulation system. There are many hoses that make up the coolant system and depending on what hose is punctured, the fix can be simple or take a bit of time. The coolant can smell like maple syrup. Here are some other indicators of a coolant leak: A sticky film develops on your windshield aft ... read more